
  1. Wang, Jingwei, Chuan Liu, Yukai Zhao, Yunlong Ma*, Min Liu, and Weiming Shen. Automated Allocation of Detention Rooms Based on Inverse Graph Partitioning. In 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE2021), pp. 866-871. IEEE, 2021. [PDF]
  2. Zhao, Rongyong, Dong Wang, Yan Wang, Chuanfeng Han, Ping Jia, Cuiling Li, and Yunlong Ma. Macroscopic View: Crowd Evacuation Dynamics at T-Shaped Street Junctions Using a Modified Aw-Rascle Traffic Flow Model. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2021). [PDF]
  3. Zhao, Rongyong, Daheng Dong, Yan Wang, Cuiling Li, Yunlong Ma, and Verónica Fuentes Enríquez. Image-Based Crowd Stability Analysis Using Improved Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2021). [PDF]
  4. Zhao, Rongyong, Yan Wang, Ping Jia, Cuiling Li, Yunlong Ma, and Zhishu Zhang. Review of Human Gesture Recognition Based on Computer Vision Technology. In 2021 IEEE 5th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC), vol. 5, pp. 1599-1603. 2021. [PDF]
  5. Jingwei Wang, Yun Yuan, Tianle Ni, Yunlong Ma, Min Liu, Gaowei Xu, Weiming Shen. Anomalous Trajectory Detection and Classification Based on Difference and Intersection Set Distance. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2020. [PDF]
  6. Rongyong Zhao, Qiong Liu, Qianshan Hu, Daheng Dong, Cuiling Li and Yunlong Ma. Lyapunov-Based Crowd Stability Analysis for Asymmetric Pedestrian Merging Layout at T-Shaped Street Junction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2020. [PDF]
  7. Yunlong Ma, Yukai Zhao, Jingwei Wang, Min Liu, Weiming Shen, Yumin Ma. Modularity-Based Incremental Label Propagation Algorithm for Community Detection. Applied Sciences. 2020. [PDF]
  8. 王莉, 李沁芳, 马云龙. 基于改进网络志方法的开放式创新社区中领先用户识别研究[J]. 科研管理, 2019, 40(10): 259-267.
  9. Rongyong Zhao, Qianshan Hu, Qiong Liu, Cuiling Li, Daheng Dong, and Yunlong Ma. Panic Propagation Dynamics of High-Density Crowd Based on Information Entropy and Aw-Rascle Model. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 06 December 2019. [PDF]
  10. Li Bai, Mi Hu, Yunlong Ma, Min Liu, A Hybrid Two-Phase Recommendation for Group-Buying E-commerce Applications, Applied Sciences. 9(15):3141. 1 August 2019. [PDF]
  11. Rongyong Zhao, Qiong Liu, Cuiling Li, Daheng Dong, Qianshan Hu, Yunlong Ma, Fuzzy neural network based scenario features extraction and mapping model for crowd evacuation stability analysis, in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019. [PDF]
  12. Rongyong Zhao, Qiong Liu, Cuiling Li, Daheng Dong, Qianshan Hu, Yunlong Ma, Knowledge Reduction Model of Crowd Evacuation Stability Based on Rough Set Theory, in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019. [PDF]
  13. Rongyong Zhao, Qiong Liu, Cuiling Li, Daheng Dong, Qianshan Hu, Yunlong Ma, Qin Zhang, Knowledge representation model for evolution of crowd evacuation stability, in Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 3rd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference, ITNEC 2019, pp. 404-407. [PDF]
  14. Rongyong Zhao, Qianshan Hu, Cuiling Li, Daheng Dong, Qiong Liu, Yunlong Ma, Qin Zhang, Macroscopic crowd panic quantification model of crowd evacuation based on information entropy, in Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 3rd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference, ITNEC 2019, pp. 388-392. [PDF]
  15. Rongyong Zhao, Daheng Dong, Cuiling Li, Qiong Liu, Qianshan Hu, Yunlong Ma, Qin Zhang, Video based crowd stability analysis used in emergency evacuation, in Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 3rd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference, ITNEC 2019, pp. 354-357. [PDF]
  16. Jingwei Wang, Yunlong Ma*, Min Liu, Weiming Shen, Link Prediction Based on Community Information and Its Parallelization, IEEE Access, pp. 62633-62645. 25 March 2019. [PDF]
  17. Jingwei Wang, Yunlong Ma*, Min Liu, Han Yuan, Weiming Shen, Ling Li, A Vertex Similarity Index Using Community Information to Improve Link Prediction Accuracy. In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2017). Banff, Alberta, Canada, 158-163 (2017) [PDF]
  18. Min Liu, Feng Zhang, Yunlong Ma, Hemanshu Roy Pota, Weiming Shen*, Evacuation path optimization based on quantum ant colony algorithm, Advanced engineering Informatics, 2016(30), 259-267. [PDF]
  19. Feng Zhang, Min Liu, Feng Gui, Weiming Shen, Abdaliah Sharni, Yunlong Ma*, A Distributed Frequent Itemset Mining Algorithm Using Spark for Big Data Analytics, Cluster Computing, 2015, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp 1493-1501. [PDF]
  20. Feng Gui, Min Liu, Yunlong Ma*, Feng Zhang, Rong Yin, Weiming Shen, A Stable and Distributed Community Detection Algorithm Based on Maximal Cliques, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2015). [PDF]
  21. Han Yuan, Yunlong Ma*, Feng Zhang, Min Liu, Weiming Shen, A Distributed Link Prediction Algorithm Based on Clustering in Dynamic Social Networks, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2015), 2016 :1341-1345. [PDF]
  22. Yuan Sun, Yunlong Ma*, Feng Zhang, Yumin Ma, Weiming Shen, Key Nodes Discovery in Large-Scale Logistics Network Based on MapReduce, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2015), 2016:1309-1314. [PDF]
  23. Haoliang Lou, Yunlong Ma*, Feng Zhang, Min Liu, Weiming Shen, Data Mining for Privacy Preserving Association Rules Based on Improved MASK Algorithm, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD2014). [PDF]
  24. Xiaoting Wei, Yunlong Ma*, Feng Zhang, Min Liu, Weiming Shen, Incremental FP-Growth Mining Strategy for Dynamic Threshold Value and Database Based on MapReduce, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD2014). [PDF]
  25. Feng Gui, Feng Zhang, Yunlong Ma*, Min Liu, Weiming Shen, Social Relation Extraction of Large-Scale Logistics Network Based on MapReduce, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2014). [PDF]
  26. Yunlong Ma, Feng Zhang, Jian Wang, A Study on Simulation and Optimization for Personnel and Vehicle Coordination Evacuation in Case of Emergency, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2013, Vol. 49 Issue 2, p864.
  27. Yunlong Ma, Jian Wang. Research on Coordination of evacuation of Human and Car Simulation Optimization Method. Advanced Materials Research, ISSN 1022-6680.
  28. Yunlong Ma, Jian Wang. Research on Human and Vehicles Coordination Evacuation Simulation Optimization Method under Emergency Incidents. Applied Mechanics and Materials, ISSN 1660-9336.
  29. Ma, Yunlong, Pan, Xiaoting, etc. CSCB: China Stem Cell Bank information management system - An intelligent system for managing China Stem Cell Bank and standard quality control, Proceedings 2010 2nd WRI Global Congress on Intelligent Systems, GCIS 2010, v 2, pp. 410-413, 2010.
  30. Sun Jian, Xiaoguang Yang, Yunlong Ma. A new simulation model for expressway weaving sections evaluation, Proceedings of the 37th Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, December 4-7, 2005.